Thursday, November 19, 2009

Gloomy and Gray

I absolutely hate fall/winter.  The best things about them are the holidays, sales, and birthdays that fall around this time of year.  The part that makes me dread fall/winter in the DMV (DC/Maryland/Virginia area) is the weather.  I do admit that it's not as bad as the weather farther north and the midwest, but it's still not as great as the warm sunny south.

The colder it gets, the harder it is to get up and start my day.  Add bad or gloomy weather and it's that much harder.

Today just happens to be one of those gloomy days in the DMV.  Dense fog and a high of only 59 degrees.  It took everything I had in me to get out of the bed this morning.

It's on days like these when I love makeup that much more.  Picking out and working with colors that are brighter than this gray and gloomy day served as a pick me up for my spirit.  The more I played, the better my outlook on the day became.  By the time I was ready to leave the house, playing in my makeup had served as the pick my up I needed to better dace my day.

Here's the look I decided on today...

So my Lovelies, what is a good pick me up for those gray and gloomy days for you?  Does the makeup colors you wear ever affect your attitude?  Let me knowwhat works for you on days like today.

Until then...

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes, ofthen I just want to complete a look or want to have a specific look. My mood doesn't it impact it as much as the desired effect I'm going for.
